by Harjit Singh

In 1996, a powerful unspeakable source brought me to a place said to have an enlightened master.

I did not know why I had decided to meet him. Skeptical and suspicious, I still took the courage to participate in the Dao ceremony. Dao is the essence that enables us to be in touch with our inner virtue and wisdom, and can only be transmitted by an enlightened Master.

I felt that there was something other than the conscious mind telling me of an unknown source of spiritual truth. This is the first step I took to cross the bridge, and the first giant step I took left a heavy footprint. Twice I tried to cross the bridge to spirituality, but I retreated each time, as I did not know what outcome I wanted.  I felt good listening to classes, which were temporary, though energizing.

Looking back, I realize I was not focused and was going to Dao for the fun of it. Now I am clear about my real purpose—to search for who I truly am.

Then in 1998, I took up NLP and finished my Master NLP course in early 1999. In 1999, the powerful unspeakable source brought me again to Dao, and I was determined to go all the way. I used modeling techniques and values and beliefs alignment to change the way I behaved in order to be more committed to my spiritual practice.

Finding Peace & Serenity

The enlightened master had a look that brought me peace and serenity whenever I looked at him. He also holds a very a strong belief that everything happens for reasons (qualities and belief) that were very attractive.

When modelling the enlightened one and those who were midway on the learning of the Dao, I ask specific questions (languaging) to elicit their values and belief. Through this I was able to adopt their thought processes and what they see, hear and feel to get the excellent behavior.

By changing my values and belief, I can change the way I behave.

I learnt to adopt the belief that you sow what you reap. The metaphor is when you throw the boomerang it will come back to you. This has made me calm and peaceful in chaotic situations. It made me realize that I need not have to react negatively to experiences, even with individuals who I think might have wronged me.

When I put this into practice, I saw that when I behave in non-judgemental way, people will behave in the same way. When I am reactive to situations there will be other situations where someone will be just as reactive.

I could begin to release the belief that the strong are mighty, that I needed to be in control of situation by reacting to other people’s behavior.

I also became more aware, peaceful, compassionate and non-attached.

It was a great paradigm shift for me about life.

Since then, I feel light and joyous. What happens if your weak points are exposed? My answer is to let it be an opportunity to better ourselves, to stretch our flexibility and create more choices. I’ve been there and done that. I was fortunate that I had the tool of Perceptual Positions to help me:

Position 1 – seeing out of your own eyes,
Position 2 – stepping into the shoes of the other person, and
Position 3 – objectively seeing yourself relating with the other person.

Since using NLP techniques, I have accelerated myself and am almost half way across the bridge in my spiritual growth. With the acceleration, new challenges appear and I am confident to take on these challenges. I believe that I have more resources within me NOW. While people have resources within them, what techniques do they have to tap into these resources to help them cross the bridge to spirituality?

Just imagine being stuck on the bridge for 20 years, and still wondering HOW to get across!


Perceptual Positions Technique & Modelling Techniques are covered in Complete Multi-Intelligence NLP Practitioner’s Training.

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