by Somesh Chadda

I have been in the process of developing an NLP based training module for corporates, and it has been quite an effort. For some reason, I was doing and re-doing it but not feeling satisfied with the output. Since business generation is high on my action list, I would want to complete the module before I contacted people. But.. and this led to frustration, anxiety and so on. So much so that I felt almost extreme anxiety and frustration.

Then yesterday when I sat for meditation, I decided to see how am I representing this reality within myself.

What I saw was amazing: a big larger-than-life colourful picture of myself struggling to think and create the module, with lurking non-beliefs whether I could do a good job of this, and do I have enough knowledge. I decided to make the picture black and white, small, a tiny bit, dull and threw it further away, and replaced it with a larger-than-life picture of myself easily going about it and creating the module of the desired quality. I visualized myself having fun while doing it, and a statement that I have all the knowledge I need to create a good module.

Guess what happened.

I felt totally relaxed, and within a few minutes, I had a rush of insights and ideas about the design and the content with a clear focus on outcomes. I felt so happy and contented.

There are many other recent experiences, where I had self-discoveries:

* From being largely Reactive to being mostly Proactive.

* From lacking confidence in the areas of talking about my work and business generation to being able to talk about it with ease and with joy.

* From having a mild desire to succeed to a very strong desire to succeed without losing the balance in life.

* From being somewhat dishonest with self (in terms of accepting my deepest desires and wishes) to accepting all my desires and wishes and then making an assessment to what extent the desire is ecologically correct. (You would know that acceptance of self releases lot of hidden energy and therefore, I am quite energetic these days.)

* From being in dilemma most of the time about the action I need to take, to being more aligned and more congruent inside due to the parts integration process at the subtle thoughts and feelings level.

Apart from these, what I find has changed is:

i) My way of interpreting the events and people around me. What would make me angry earlier now creates a curiosity in terms of understanding the map of the other person, and/or becoming aware of my internal representations. And this is helping me to love people more than I could do earlier.

ii) My ability to remain in the resourceful state most often and coming to the resourceful state very fast.

Somesh Chadda is a Management Consultant from Delhi, India.

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